Installing Flamy

To install flamy, you can either download a pre-packaged version or build it from source.


Flamy requires the program dot to be able to print table dependency graphs.


apt-get install graphviz libgraphviz-dev

Mac OS X

Install brew if not already installed

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null

Install graphviz

brew install graphviz


Download a pre-packaged version

Download and untar the .tgz from this url:

wget '' | gunzip | tar -x

You still need to install the program `dot` as explained above to be able to display graphs.

or Build from source

Compilation requires sbt to compile.

git clone
cd flamy
sbt clean stage

The packaging directory will be found at target/universal/stage, with the executable at target/universal/stage/bin/flamy and the configuration file at target/universal/stage/conf/ but bear in mind that recompiling the project will regenerate the target/universal/stage/ folder. You can use the –config-file to point the configuration file to an alternate location.

Starting a shell

Once packaged, you can start a shell with:

target/universal/stage/bin/flamy shell

Once in the shell, the help command will list all the available commands and their options, and the show conf command will help you troubleshoot any configuration issue.

(Optional) Running unit tests

sbt test

(Optional) Granting access for Flamy to the Hive Metastore

Flamy can perform some actions such as metadata retrieval from Hive’s Metastore. It can perform many useful actions such as listing all the schemas, tables, or partitions with useful associated information.

For this Flamy can use either the Thrift client (HiveMetastoreClient) provided by Hive or directly connect to the metastore database via JDBC. While the first method works out of the box, it is often much slower than the second. On the other hand, the JDBC connection requires some configuration on the Hive Metastore’s side, as explained here.

(Optional) local install


In your .basrhc, add this and set FLAMY_HOME to the correct value:

alias flamy=$FLAMY_HOME/bin/flamy

Next steps